Dynasty Modeling & Entertainment is a female modeling/acting online management agency. Our mission is to find beautiful talented female models and actresses all across the world giving them a special push to help get their career to the next level. We support and encourage our clients' creativity, courage, and persistence in all modeling & acting endeavors.
Dynasty Modeling’s platform started May of 2005 by founders Frederick B. Rush Jr, Eric K. Hudson and Lisa M. Smith. These individuals once worked with a former company called Icon Models located in Philadelphia, PA. The modeling brand quickly rose in popularity from May 2005 to July 2006. By May 2012, Dynasty Modeling & Entertainment was launched and instantly became an online payment website that had a fan base in the thousands. With over 150+ model profiles, members from 5 different continents, five permanent US branches in Philadelphia, New York, Miami, LA and Atlanta. Dynasty was booking girls for major projects worldwide; Dynasty Modeling & Entertainment has matured into a true force in the ethnic modeling world.
Here at Dynasty Modeling & Entertainment, we help create models create credible portfolios with photos and supportive services that they need to get the proper exposure in developing their modeling career. Our record of accomplishment speaks for itself- whether it is their first music video booking, fashion shoot, calendar feature or their first major magazine layout.
Dynasty Modeling & Entertainment has provided countless women with their first major paid assignment. At Dynasty Modeling we value honest, personalized modelling support services along with premium client care in a respectful, assistive, supportive, patient and professional environment. We are in the business of discovering new faces, launching careers, and providing women with new forms of income both on and off the web!